Map makers: Rafael Miguel & Tiago Aires
Course setting: Rafael Miguel & Bruno Nazário
Parking: Drivers should arrive to this place: 40.77677, -7.60239Use the official parking for ABOM 2022 Arena. Please respect the embargoed areas and follow Organizers’ instructions.Distance from parking to arena: 450 to 550 meters
Quarantine for 20 and Elite classes: Athletes from W20/W21Elite and M20/M21Elite must go to the Start area until 12h45! Once at the start zone, athletes are considered to be “inside quarantine”. At the zone, and after 12h45, it is forbidden to use smartphones of similar devices. Organizers will not control this “quarantine zone”, appealing to everyone’s fair play!If needed, runners can transport a small bag and leave it with the start team. After the start is finished, organizers will transport those items to the Event Office at arena.
Refreshment point: There will be water on the start location.There will not exist refreshment points on W10, M10, W12, M12, W14, M14, Easy Short and Easy Long courses. All the other courses will have at least one passage though a refreshment point.At the refreshment point only water will be provided, served on plastic cups. Each refreshment has one garbage bag. Please do not carry the plastic cups far away from each refreshment point location.All refreshment points will be marked on map using symbol 713 Refreshment point. Those places are located on paths.Only W20/W21Elite, M20/M21Elite, M21A, M35 and M40 courses will have one refreshment point placed on a control and properly shown on the control descriptions.There will exist one “First Aid” post where runners can ask for help in case of need. The First Aid post is also a refreshment control! Due to the lack of space, only the “cross” (symbol: 712 First aid post) is shown on the map.
Arena passage: There won’t exist any arena passage.
Map change: W20/W21Elite and M20/M21Elite will have a map change. Part 1 and part 2 are on the same sheet – front and back. At the start, runners will get their maps with part 1 facing up.
Taped legs/controls: On W10, M10, W12, M12, Easy Short and Easy Long there will be 1 or 2 taped legs due to the inexistence of paths in the area. Between those controls runners will find plastic white/red tape. These legs/controls are properly identified, both in map and control description.
Other people in the terrain: Runners must expect to find Media personal as photographs and videographers.
Start procedure:
Arena scheme: